
Moltmann and Me

Jürgen Moltmann with Ben Merritt at the 2015 Karl Barth Conference at Princeton Theological Seminary

About Ben Merritt (A.K.A. “Moltmanniac”): I blog and tweet as Moltmanniac, but in real life I’m a husband, dad, and I love being involved in my church. I studied theology at The King’s College and Seminary (now the King’s University), earning a Bachelor’s in Theological Studies in 2007.  I have worked at the same industrial distributor for 13 years, with experience ranging from warehouse and sales to marketing and I.T.   I live in Jackson, Michigan with my lovely wife, Jessica, and our two small children (Jacob and Annalissa). Also with my dog Max (who is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel), and two cats (who shall remain nameless).

I hail from a Methodist-Wesleyan background (with some experience in the Vineyard movement) and am particularly interested in the works of Jürgen Moltmann, who has deeply influenced my life and theology (two other theologians of importance to me right now are Karl Barth and Wolfhart Pannenberg). I started this blog in March 2014 to host a blog series on The Crucified God, and as a place to put together as many Moltmann-related resources as possible.

If you would like to contact me, send an email to ben [at] moltmanniac.com, or send a message to me via the Moltmanniac Facebook page (you can also connect with me at my personal Facebook page here). I am very interested in connecting with other people who are exploring Moltmann’s theology. If you are working on a book/thesis/dissertation project engaging Moltmann, I would love to hear from you! 

Another great place to engage Moltmann is the Jürgen Moltmann Discussion Group on Facebook.

While you are here, you might be interested in checking out these popular posts and pages:


This is my personal blog. I alone am responsible for the content and opinions expressed here. 

6 thoughts on “About

  1. Dear Friend
    Being French,, I just discovered your site about Jürgen Moltmann’s thought. I appreciated it very much; It is well done and it is a very good ressource. We have much in common, since, each of us, we try to share all the good we receive from the theological thought of Jürgen Moltmann. In France, where Moltmann’s thought is less known than in USA and in English speaking countries, I developed a blog ro share Moltmann’s thought:: ” L’Esprit qui donne la vie”. Motmann’s theology is a big world and so we are interested particularly in such or such aspect. For me, at a time; I feel the book: “In the end..the beginning” as a liberation. Dear friend, thank ypu for your very good work..

    • Hello Jean!
      My apologies in being so late to reply. It is exciting for me when people who also like Moltmann and in other parts of the world find my little blog. Thanks for taking the time to comment! My wife, Jessica, took four years of French in high school and sometimes remarks that she feels that she was born in the wrong country. 🙂 We visited Paris for a week in 2009, but that is my only experience of Europe.

      Unfortunately I don’t know enough French to try to follow your blog (but it looks great!). I’m glad to see that someone is doing something very similar to what I am doing in a different country and language. In the End… the Beginning looks very good, perhaps along similar lines to The Coming of God (which is one of my personal favorite Moltmann books!)? I hope to read it in the near future. 🙂

  2. Hey, Ben! I’m a senior at Moody Bible in Chicago and I’m currently writing my thesis on a theology of hope (as a present means of hope as opposed to merely eschatological) grounded in the works of Moltmann and Wright. I’m working through ‘Theology of Hope,’ ‘The Crucified God,’ ‘Ethics of Hope,’ ‘Sun of Righteousness Arise!’ among others. Barth will inevitably make an appearance because, well, he’s Barth. Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks for your work here, as its helped greatly in forming my thoughts around the topic. I’d love to dialogue, if at all possible, about where I’m headed and get your feedback. Anyway, thanks and keep up the good work!


    • Hi Holden! Sounds like you are reading some great books! I’d be very interested in hearing more about your thesis (or, if you don’t mind sharing, reading it when you are done!). I’ve long wondered what kind of reception theologians like Moltmann and Barth get at schools like Moody. At my school Barth got some passing mentions but I don’t think Moltmann came up at all (or maybe I wasn’t tuned into it). Anyway, would love to connect. You can email me at merritt dot ben at gmail dot com, send me a message via the Moltmanniac Facebook page, or look up my private Facebook profile under Benjamin Henry Merritt.

  3. Hi Ben,

    Thank you very much for creating and maintaining this most excellent web site.

    I too was raised in the Methodist Church, and I retain a love for high church liturgy and Methodism’s emphasis on neighbor love and social justice. I currently attend a very loving and lively non-denominational charismatic church and a wonderful house church.

    I have no academic training in theology, having studied history and politics as an undergraduate and law (until I ran out of money) in graduate / professional school. I have been a theology nerd since shortly after experiencing the new birth at 17. I have only recently began a serious study of Moltmann’s work, and I love his thinking. Please notify me of new posts via e-mail. And thank you again for establishing this most helpful website.

    Grace, peace and love,


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